Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Rust and Bellman

Vic Genin
5 min readNov 9, 2023


In an era where data privacy is paramount, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) stand out as a beacon of hope. They are cryptographic protocols enabling one party to prove to another that a statement is true, without revealing any information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true. One such application of ZKPs is through SNARKs, a variant offering efficiency and succinctness.

The Role of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Modern Cryptography

Zero-Knowledge Proofs, particularly SNARKs, are revolutionizing the way we think about privacy and security in the digital age. They allow the verification of complex operations, like the validity of a transaction or the correctness of a computational task, without revealing any underlying data. This is particularly crucial in scenarios where sensitive information needs to be validated without exposing it — a situation common in blockchain technology, secure voting systems, and, as we’ll explore, even in seemingly simple applications like a Sudoku puzzle.

Diving into Rust and Bellman for Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Rust, with its focus on safety and performance, is an ideal language for implementing cryptographic protocols. Paired with the Bellman library, a Rust toolkit for building zk-SNARKs, it provides a powerful platform for creating secure and efficient ZKP applications.

Let’s delve into a practical example: a Rust program using the Bellman library to create a proof for a 3x3 Sudoku game. This program illustrates the power of ZKPs in verifying the correctness of a Sudoku solution without revealing the solution itself.

extern crate bellman; 
extern crate rand;
use bellman::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError};
use bellman::groth16::{create_random_proof, generate_random_parameters, prepare_verifying_key, verify_proof};
use rand::thread_rng;
use bellman::pairing::bn256::{Bn256, Fr};

struct Sudoku { solution: Option<Vec<u32>>, }

impl Circuit<Fr> for Sudoku {
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<Fr>>(self, cs: &mut CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
let mut grid = Vec::with_capacity(9);

// Allocate variables and enforce constraints
for i in 0..9 {
let value = self.solution
.map(|sol| Fr::from(sol[i]))
let variable = cs.alloc(|| format!("grid_{}", i), || Ok(value))?;

// Enforce that each cell is between 1 and 3
cs.enforce(|| format!("cell_{}_range", i),
|lc| lc + variable,
|lc| lc + variable,
|lc| lc + CS::one() - variable - Fr::from(3) );
// Add Sudoku-specific constraints here
// For example, different rows, columns, and blocks should have distinct values

The beauty of this implementation lies in its privacy-preserving nature. When the proof is created, the actual solution to the Sudoku puzzle is not disclosed to the verifier. Instead, the verifier only learns that a valid solution exists. This is the essence of zero-knowledge proofs — the ability to prove the validity of information without revealing the information itself.


The method synthesize allocates variables for each cell in the Sudoku grid and enforces constraints, such as each cell containing a number between 1 and 3 (for a 3x3 grid). We can also add more constraints to enforce different custom logic. Let’s add a constraint for all the values to sum up to 9.

fn synthesize(....) { 
// ....

// New constraint: Sum of all cells should be 9
let sum = grid.iter().fold(, |acc, &var| acc + var);
cs.enforce( || "sum_constraint",
|lc| lc + sum,
|lc| lc + CS::one(),
|lc| lc + CS::one() * Fr::from(9));

// Add more Sudoku-specific constraints here

The sum variable is computed by folding over the grid array, summing up all the allocated variables representing the Sudoku cells.

Let’s break down what each part of the cs.enforce call means:

1. The Constraint Function:

|lc| lc + sum

This lambda function defines the left-hand side (LHS) of the constraint equation. lc stands for “linear combination”. In this context, lc + sum means we are creating a linear combination that represents the sum of all the Sudoku cell values. This sum is what we want to constrain.

2. The Multiplier Function:

|lc| lc + CS::one()

This function defines the multiplier of the constraint equation, placed in the middle. CS::one() is a constant representing the value 1 in the field. This part essentially means we are multiplying our sum by 1, which doesn’t change its value. In many constraint systems, this part is used to multiply the LHS by a variable or a set of variables, but in this case, we are just multiplying by 1.

3. The Right-Hand Side (RHS) Function:

Here, we define the right-hand side of the constraint equation. CS::one() * Fr::from(9) indicates that we are taking the constant 1 and multiplying it by 9 (the desired sum of the Sudoku grid). This sets the RHS of the equation to 9.

When the cs.enforce function is called with these parameters, it essentially enforces the following equation as part of the zk-SNARK:

sum of all Sudoku cells = 9

This constraint ensures that the proof can only be successfully generated if the sum of the values in the Sudoku grid indeed equals 9, adding an extra layer of validation to the Sudoku solution within the zero-knowledge proof framework.

Interacting with the Program

Users interact with the program through the Rust environment. After setting up Bellman and including the necessary dependencies, the program is executed in two main phases:

  1. Proof Generation: The prover inputs their solution into the program, which generates the zk-SNARK proof.
  2. Proof Verification: The verifier, who does not see the solution, checks the proof against the public parameters to verify its correctness.

The program thus serves as a bridge between the prover and the verifier, facilitating a secure and private verification process.

fn generate_sudoku_proof() -> Result<(Parameters<Bn256>, Proof<Bn256>), SynthesisError> { 
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
// Example Sudoku solution (only known to the server)

let solution = vec![1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1];

// Create parameters (publicly verifiable)
let params = { let c = Sudoku { solution: None };
generate_random_parameters::<Bn256, _, _>(c, rng).unwrap() };

// Create a proof
let proof = { let c = Sudoku { solution: Some(solution) };

create_random_proof(c, &params, rng).unwrap() };

Ok((params, proof))

fn verify_sudoku_proof(params: Parameters<Bn256>, proof: Proof<Bn256>) -> bool {
// Prepare the verifying key from the parameters
let pvk = prepare_verifying_key(&params.vk);

// Verify the proof
verify_proof(&pvk, &proof, &[]).unwrap_or(false)

fn main() {
// Server generates the proof
let (params, proof) = generate_sudoku_proof().expect("Proof generation failed");

// Client verifies the proof
let is_valid = verify_sudoku_proof(params, proof);

println!("Is the Sudoku solution valid? {}", is_valid);

This example is quite simplified and doesn’t include detailed Sudoku rules. To create a fully functional Sudoku verifier, you would need to add constraints that enforce the unique values in each row, column, and 3x3 block. Also, handling errors and optimizing the circuit for efficiency are important considerations for a production-ready implementation.


The Rust implementation using Bellman for a 3x3 Sudoku game is a simple yet powerful demonstration of the capabilities of zero-knowledge proofs. By enabling the verification of information without revealing the information itself, ZKPs like SNARKs are carving out a future where privacy and authenticity can coexist harmoniously. In a world increasingly conscious of data privacy, technologies like these are not just desirable — they are essential.



Vic Genin
Vic Genin

Written by Vic Genin

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